
Outside my window: Texas spring weather…unpredictable but welcome after the cold, rainy winter.  Yesterday it was stormy, windy and a high of 56.  Today it looks like a high of 74 with sunshine!

I am remembering: Alex’s birthday with his grandparents at the Texas Snake Farm.  He still talks about all the exciting things he got to see and do.  This was our second year spending his birthday there.  I think we might have started a tradition, so if you come to visit for his birthday, be prepared to spend time with snakes!


















I am thankful: for air conditioning.  It get hot in Texas.  Real hot.  My air conditioner finally gave out in my car and on the days Alex and I have to go places in the afternoon, Dustin is thoughtful enough to leave the truck for us so we don’t end up sweating it out in the Texas heat.  I can only imagine what July will feel like!

In the kitchen: so many things!  Homemade elderberry syrup to keep us healthy during the winter months.  Fennel pesto to use up some fennel fronds that I didn’t want to go to waste.  Hyssop Oxymel to have on hand – just in case someone comes down with a cough. Fermented carrots to tide us over until pickling season arrives.  More homemade bone broth. And homemade ice-cream for Sunday to carry on the tradition Aunt Stacie started of Sundae Sunday!



From the garden: new seedlings in amidst the losing battle with weeds.  While the rain has been nice for the extremely dry ground where we live, it has given weeds a new lease on life in our yard.  Looks like we have our work cut out for us!

From the Schoolroom: The finish line is in sight, but there are so many exciting things to come that it’s hard to imagine an “end” to our school year.  This year we have followed a six-week on, one-week off schedule and it has been an absolutely perfect fit into our routine.

One of my favorite things: Listening the Alex talk to his cousins on the phone.  It’s like no distance at all separates them.  Joey and Alex have games they play, Lego sets they create and build, and stories they tell from one day to the next.  Sometimes Billy joins in the conversation too and I hear little voices sharing all the secrets and joys of boyhood without a though to being a few hours away from each other.

Please visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook for more daybook entries.

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